About us

We are a group of friends who bonded over our passion for development and personal growth. Our first project together was a playlist generator for a Hackathon in 2022, and we have been working on fulfilling our mission of growth, community, and learning ever since. We do so through developing real software in an environment as close to a real software team as possible. We incorporate our value of teamwork into every part of the development process, from planning and research to development and testing. We also practice leadership and accountability through dynamic member roles on each project.


Growth: we believe in growing our teamwork, leadership, and development skills through practical application of real software practices.
Community: we strive to involve the community with our projects and establish a greater bond between UNL students and the greater community.
Learning: we firmly believe the best way to learn is to do, which is why we explore new technologies and methodologies by making real software projects.

Key Values